Summer Temple Immersion

June 20-27

8-day Temple Immersion

The Mystique of Matter

The Netherlands

Choose your plan

Tier 1


Temple Immersion

Fully accommodated

Including Pre & Post Zoom Calls

30-Minute 1:1 integration call with team


Tier 2


Temple Immersion

Fully accommodated

Including Pre & Post Zoom Calls

30-Minute 1:1 integration call with team


4 weeks To the CORE

Tier 3


Temple Immersion

Fully accommodated

Including Pre & Post Zoom Calls

30-Minute 1:1 integration call with team


4 weeks To the CORE

2x 1:1 online session with Puja

What’s included in your 8-day journey

  • 8-day accommodation in our Temple Home

  • Pre & Post-Zoom calls; preparing and deepening integration

  • After-care e-book

  • Extraordinary facilitation day & night

  • Teachings

  • Ceremonies & Rituals

  • Luxury of a Priceless Energy Field

  • Amazing Soul Tribe

  • Breathtaking Photography

  • Magical & exquisite Temple Food Art (all vegetarian, often vegan)

  • Elixirs & Nature Medicine

  • Sauna

  • Invoice directly supplied as “communication training”

  • Soul Space

  • Deepest Inner Alchemy Work

  • Richness of Divine Beauty & Materials

Based in a ceremonial space, with structures, celebrations, Ritual Art, guided in-depth sharings, teachings & transmissions, deepest inner alchemy work, Sacred sexuality - in the personal and transpersonal realms, Silence, meditation, bodywork, energetic work and energetic sexuality, deepening of Truth- seeking, massage, dance, live music, all of life’s divine expressions.

“ Beyond, the name covers it all: The precision in which they built the container to create safety, the attention to the smallest details and its beauty based on timeliness and spaciousness allowed me to drop deep into my soul essence.”

- Kees


The field that we create is best seen, felt, experienced….

(download our beautiful booklet here)

What Can You Expect?

Expect the Unexpected

Expect the unexpected - that’s what we basically say. Come with a blank mindset, so life’s magic can enter you. We create a strong foundation with the stages of the journey, yet we don’t ‘follow it like a pinned program’; there is a deeper guidance than that, which we work from.
You can however, during these 8 days, expect combinations of:

  • Structures

  • Celebrations

  • Ritual art

  • Guided in-depth circle process work

  • Teachings & Transmissions

  • Deepest inner alchemy work

  • Sacred sexuality - in the personal and transpersonal realms

  • Space & time to rest, to be, to play

  • Silence & meditation

  • Soul Space

  • (Energetic) bodywork

  • Energetic sexuality

  • Deepening of truth-seeking

  • Massage

  • Dance, music, all of life’s divine expressions

  • Exquisite Temple Food Art and Nature Medicine.

You will receive deeper experiencing & learnings about:

Intimacy and Love, humanness and manifestation, deeper guidance and consciousness, projections and interpersonal dynamics, ancient and modern wisdom, aliveness and inspirited vitality, deeper grounds of the feminine and masculine principles,
deep dark play & impact, dark & light, conditionings and shadows and the insane beauty and innate joy of being alive and coming more to live.

Each Temple journey has a unique composition of a selection of these qualities.

Temple Arts 8-day Temple Immersion







Due to the current energy climate, we will be charged with additional costs for heating by the venue. We will ask you for your collective contribution after the Temples. Together we can carry this! Thank you for understanding.

Come in NOW


June 20 - 27

Mystique of Matter
Temple Immersion

The Netherlands


The Mystique of Matter

The theme and leaning into of our June Summer Temple

Living Art Fundament Ingredients

Deeper relating to and relaxing in

life's earth body in its light & dark

nature of immanence and


Re-specting its beauty and forces,

opening the healing depth of our

physical-, energetic- and pleasure

body in higher presence and

consciousness. Refining, rewilding &


Living Art Fundament Ingredients

Deeper Listening to the deeper

grounds; in relating with yourselves,

others, mystery's voice of wisdom

and the vivid qualities of our inner

sage and- youngster.

Rewiring our erotic nature on the

Altar of Life. Restoring and

redesigning our divine Sexuality,

being it the Medicine Frequency of

healing and empowering grounds.

The intersection and expansive cumulation of Living Art Fundament. An

ongoing ceremonial field, immersive and experiential. A Sanctuary for

the Soul in Timelessness and Ritual Art. A safe haven of bold creation

with an alchemic cycle of fulfilment, richness and flow from life’s

depths and listenings.

Start in June

And continue in 2024 to complete the full training + receive your Temple Arts & Training Certification

For all 2024 dates, please go here

Ceremony & Ritual

Music & Dance

Soul Space

Extraordinary facilitation

Teachings & Transmissions

Food Art

Warm Welness

Ceremony & Ritual ⟢ Music & Dance ⟢ Soul Space ⟢ Extraordinary facilitation ⟢ Teachings & Transmissions ⟢ Food Art ⟢ Warm Welness ⟢


“I feel so enriched in how I look at my own sexuality, the path it opens, the possibilities. And also the consciousness in myself when feeling attracted to somebody else. I feel I can now move with those things way more easy and even enjoy it for what it is, instead of contracting and identifying with it. 

I feel deep gratitude to the beings that inspired me, gave me insights, gave me space to find truth in myself and let me (or helped me) move with it’”

— Wendie


you are further invited


Temple Arts Training

A Rapture into our Feral Roots and Forgotten Realms

Connecting Deeper
with integrating and maturing all aspects in your humanness, relating, leadership, spirituality and sexuality into Living Art.

In a Sanctuary for the Soul.

You will receive the detailed beauty of our e-books by clicking the button above. These are our famous BEYOND Booklet and Temple Arts & Training Invite. In there you'll be given all info on heart, mind and loin level to see and feel the value, depth and practicalities, and the entrance to our famous Sign In form to start walking through the Temple Doors.
We're thrilled to see you on the other side!

Frank de Bie

 “In BEYOND I meet myself in ways I couldn’t imagine possible. It is the place where I feel my darkest desires and face my deepest fears. Where I shift from my attachments, worries and insecurities back into alignment. Back into my heart. This is where I grow. Where I nourish and heal myself and with that the world around me.”


“It is like a deep reset. And every time it goes deeper.”

Can you feel her, inviting you in?


Take this first step into the unknown with us by clicking the button above. You will receive our famous Booklet. The Booklet contains a more detailed feel of BEYOND and her Temple Arts, so you can feel its value and depth.


After you have applied, you will receive our e-books: our Temple Arts & Training full Invite and our general Booklet will fly your way. With all you love to get into to learn and feel into beautiful contents and more practical information. AND… the link to our famous Sign In form!

For now, for June, know that we will have the most exquisite Temple Home in the Netherlands, about 2hrs from Utrecht.

You can read more about our Temple Homes on this page

I’m só curious… I’d love to learn more!



You will receive the detailed beauty of our e-books by clicking the button above. These are our famous BEYOND Booklet and Temple Arts & Training Invite. In there you'll be given all info on heart, mind and loin level to see and feel the value, depth and practicalities, and the entrance to our famous Sign In form to start walking through the Temple Doors.
We're thrilled to see you on the other side!

Deep Light
Swirling us in
burning through.
So we can see beyond the unseen.

 Light is fire.
Our engine.
Something needs to burn
to light up its core and surroundings.

 Let the source of our inner fire burn through us all.
And so we melt.
And come alive.

~ Puja ~

We love to create today
a new reality and future
with you