
Your Ecstatic & Essential Depth

September 19
19.45 cet

A FREE Live Dive Masterclass to drop in with an in-depth meeting.
An online teaching and meeting point.

Where we go into how to connect to more of your depth,
to elevate your life and creating.

A deeper integration of your humanness, relating, leadership,
spirituality and sexuality into living art.

Through the rapture of your feral roots and forgotten realms.

Ecstatic & Essential.

A devotional integrative quality of living,
where deeper embodiment and
higher consciousness make love to life

A beautiful moment to experience and
(re)connect with us.
With Puja and others within
B E Y O N D Temple Arts Mystic School

Join us

September 19
7.45 pm cet

Marketing by

All communication regarding your participation will follow via email. After this, you will receive some other in-depth offers, teachings and the beauty of Integrative Living Art and going beyond.

  • A ± 90 min. interactive meeting

  • How your depth is ecstatic and essential

  • How your life and creating is of deeper quality and becomes living art

  • Including tools and teachings,

  • and the deeper gift of ceremonial work and ritual art.

  • Q&A

Your Ecstatic & Essential Depth

Your Ecstatic & Essential Depth

When in connection with what we create, and the essence of what we are and bring, we promise you a true substantial field and experience. As we breathe depth. And love the joy of- and in that.
And hów we love serving your connection to your deeper grounds, your depth.


Besides that we need our depth to learn where to navigate and lead from, our depth is also the wonderful magical place where our juices flow.

It’s where everything becomes easier.

Disarmed. Clean. Sexy.

Because it needs our growing capacity to be both (in) the mystery and its beauty, ánd the anchoring of being human and beyond.

Anchored in our base, and an open vessel at the same time.

Not fighting the old. But building the new. Inside out.

Increasing our window of tolerance to have discernment as a continuous default quality.

In this
Live Dive:

  • we bring you a new meeting point with a deeper connection and integration of your joyous maturing in your humanness, relating, leadership, spirituality and sexuality, connecting all dots and aspects of your life.

  • we touch up on the relevant theme of being in devotion to our deeper grounds - your ecstatic and essential depth.

  • we share a taste of the quality of depth we’re known for. And as we've been called to go deeper ourselves and have been evolving, we love bringing this to you.

Marketing by

All communication regarding your participation will follow via email. After this, you will receive some other in-depth offers, teachings and the beauty of Integrative Living Art and going beyond.


“I call it home

Where my roots are clinging into the depth of all beings, seeing myself clearly.

I call it truth,

Naked, dirty, so tender but like a fire it burned my fears to speak.

I call it beyond,

Because here we enter the heart, where we expand through every breath, so all can exist and be released, shed and transformed.

Like water I felt, so sensual how it moved me.

Flowing in the riverbed of this delicious juice of living art, that we embody.

I saw all colours, all faces, human shapes or animal sounds, skin on skin we rolled around in the soil of our desires.

Cracked open, by the loving embrace of every touch and eye I gazed.

When I was met in that space, nothing seemed to be out of place anymore. And I became source; the Divine in me was met in everything. “

- Elena

This year we start our new exciting sequence with a Merge of Temple Arts and Training.
We go deep.
The field seems to be ready for more inclusive depth and teachings too, so let us take you there.
In Rapture, we'll share with you how.

Where we open wide to the evolution in the seen and unseen. Where we lean in and yield the beauty of interdependency into a new equilibrium.

It’s the most profound sober experience one could possibly ever say yes to. It’s an investment that has the ability to liberate you beyond your wildest dreams and connect you to the human experience more deeply than you ever thought possible. "
- Amanda

" I’m an entrepreneur in the world of self-development and I believe this program is worth 20.000 dollar. “
- Bart


Is a deep teacher

A Temple Arts Mystic School

A cutting edge house of devotion.

BEYOND sets the standard of a devotional way of living where deeper embodiment and higher consciousness make love to life.

A unique, high-quality & luxurious in-depth space of Mystery, where we descend into the unknown. Into deep human connection - real, raw and refined. A deep relaxation into truth and belonging.

Expanding and awakening into divine humanness and exhilarating consciousness.

In a way, yet unheard of.

We bring ‘Her’ back in a Rite of Passage into new neural pathways. Working from a ceremonial field where Tantra, Shamanism and Ritual Art invite you in your deepest.

A space of deep Presence, of Sacred Sexual Alchemy. Of so much beauty and love where light, dark, spirit and body becomes one. Meeting and melting through our armours.

A high frequency sanctuary for the soul where where Life becomes Living Art.

Where all seen and unseen aspects in and around you are being propelled and lit up.


Marketing by

All communication regarding your participation will follow via email. After this, you will receive some other in-depth offers, teachings and the beauty of Integrative Living Art and going beyond.

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