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[title workshop]

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short sentence to introduce the topic of the workshop


what & why of the workshop - focusing on where people are right now and their need / desire to grow into this specific area

Is this for you?

BEYOND is not for everyone.
Not for the lighthearted, nor the fainthearted,
yet very much so for the

Do you recognise yourself in this?

Is this what you’d love to learn?

[deeper into the contents]

more info on why this is of value.



name event
Dec 5 -11



97 (incl vat)


Repurposing, regenerating, replenishing, reclaiming, restoring, redesigning
our relationship

Your facilitator: Puja

introtekst Puja


 “In BEYOND I meet myself in ways I couldn’t imagine possible. It is the place where I feel my darkest desires and face my deepest fears. Where I shift from my attachments, worries and insecurities back into alignment. Back into my heart. This is where I grow. Where I nourish and heal myself and with that the world around me.”

- Frank de Bie


New realms of reality
Rising a new world


We are the trailblazers of going beyond. With our Temple Arts being a deep teacher, we create such new realms of reality, that it cracks us wide open.

With this new reality, rises a new world. A world that is created in new ways as we listen to its deeper truth. We let the unseen become a deeply felt experience.
We take you beyond concepts into deeper grounds and a love so profound that it melts all edges into truth.

It’s time. To move ahead. Into the innate wisdom and joy we can be. To serve our human soul and community, coming home fully in our hearts, our bodies, our whole being, and Beyond.

Our future starts with what we do today,
in action and in frequency.

“My connection to spirit
through sexual life force
and the ease and flow
of surrendering to it in
such a safe and held space“


“ One of the things I met and appreciate deeply in BEYOND, is a huge broadening and deepening of my experience and understanding of sexual energy as so much more than the limited, performance-oriented and traumatised version of it our collective culture seems to have made it to be.

BEYOND has shown me directly how, when I let go of my focus on ‘what I want to happen’, sexual energy can be what it’s meant to be: a guiding force to ‘what wants to happen’.

I experienced a breakthrough and new step in relating to my sexual energy by abstaining from ejaculations and feeling the enlivening effect that has on me.

A reminder of my connection to spirit through the sexual life force and the ease and flow of surrendering to it in such a safe and held space.“

- Floris

“Further, deeper, BEYOND.”


“ Time and time again I was guided by gentle empowering nudges to explore my authentic voice and being.

Never before was I met by a community that truly honoured my process as I was in BEYOND, being encouraged to step into my full expression more and more, but also being applauded for doing it in my own time. AND then a little loving nudge would come again to go further, deeper, beyond.

I got to experience the strength in my softness, the beauty of my and other’s human-ness, the opportunity to step up, speak up, but also to deeply listen, all the while connecting deeply to Spirit.
The Temple is a space where devotion and play go hand in hand.

And now, weeks after the physical Temple ended, the openness for transformation continues with each transmission that comes through, whether it be in the form of the pictures that were taken, a group call,…
There is a continuing invitation to dance with all of life, all of the triggers that come up, all of the beauty, all of the stories, all of the distortions AND then go further, deeper, beyond.

The practice of surrender that comes with it is astoundingly transformational, and the resistance that comes with it cuts deep. It’s not always light and pretty. But then we get to play and dance and be with all of that. Further, deeper, BEYOND. "

- Sonja

We love to create today
a new reality and future
with you

Divine Sexual Energy
Open us
Heart, body, soul
Dark primal soil
Light cosmic sphere
Crack us
Melt us
Empower us
Ripple through us
And touch the orgasmic state of our entireness
Expand our beings
Into the silence within the roar
the roar within the silence.
Where the sexual is not the coupling,
where the sexual is the union
of it all

Divine Horniness rising the heat of our existence.

Melt us
our shame
our vulnerable and warm hearts our beloved bodies
So we become one again
With the full roaring yes
The deep howl
of it all

Licking the treasures of Mystery, of Purity.

- Puja